Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am finally going to enter the world of the slow cooker but as much as I love to cook, I have NO experience with these appliances.  I hear they are great, and with how busy life is now, I could use some help with dinner.  Does anyone have any please???  Which options are worth paying for, and which aren't useful?


Percolating Petals said...

I paid a little extra to get a timer on my slow cooker. After it finishes cooking for the allotted time, the device automatically switches to "keep warm" until you do otherwise.

The one thing I would not compromise on is SIZE. The bigger, the better. Bigger ability to handle meats and family soups, as well as have enough for leftovers. I have a slow cooker from my wedding that has a broken lid...are you interested? Everything is fine, the lid is just smashed.

Molly said...

I think I want a new one, but thanks for the offer! I found one that I like but didn't know if the "keep warm" option was worth it, but I guess it is! Thanks!

Heather said...

Keep warm rocks! It really helps when you have church function or party. It is your plate warmer. It also helps when your meal gets done before you get home or before you can eat it. Stays warm until dinner time!

Molly Melnick said...

Hey Molly thanks for commenting on my give-a-way. I know what you mean about not feelin' the love. This book has really helped me and boy did I need it. I think books can really change your perspective and this book has changed mine this year. I hope you win!! Tell your homeschool friends.

Molly said...

Thanks for the tips everyone!!