When we moved here we didn't know one person, not one. I remember thinking for quite a long time that I would never have any friends. Joseph was three, Henry was 18 months and the highlight of our day was going to the Y. I prayed and prayed for friends and slowly but surely God provided. I was so unhappy for a long time and wanted to move somewhere else. I finally began to meet other moms like me after a couple of years and things improved. Now we are leaving and I look around at all of these people that I have been blessed to know.
It is so hard to leave what is familiar and safe, but I know that God has other plans for us. I just want to say thank you to all of my friends who offered help with the boys, brought meals when we had a baby, helped me learn how to knit, brought lunch over, put up with the noise level and sometimes rudeness of my sons, taught my boys, listened to me complain about school problems and prayed for me. I am going to miss each one of you.
I definitely do not want to move again. I pray that this is the last time and that we can really settle down and be happy with where we are. Hopefully there are friends to be made in the future that are as wonderful as the ones I have here.
Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
6 days ago