A simple trip to Kroger with my kids has resulted in almost ruining my day!
Why is it that people feel like they can just give their opinion of you when you are walking through a store? I had about 3 people go out of their way to make comments to me while shopping with my boys. They were not being obnoxious, disobedient or loud. We were simply pushing our cart through the store and people kept saying things like "Wow, you've got your hands full.." "Three boys!? Good luck!" I even had a woman shake her head in disgust at us last week.
I don't think any of them even knew I was pregnant (I had a big coat on.) I think if I had said that I was expecting ANOTHER kid and especially a BOY they would have been even more surprised.
My response to these comments? I usually just smile and move on. I know my boys' are watching and listening to how I react to these types of things. I don't ever want them to feel like they are an annoyance to me or that they are the unwanted result of "trying for a girl."
The thing that bothers me the most is that my kids are generally well-behaved in stores. If someone feels the need to comment why can't it be something positive or some encouraging words instead of a look of horror? My kids aren't anyone else's responsibility; they are not the ones feeding them, washing their clothes, potty training them or teaching them!
Sorry for venting, but this just frustrates me immensely and seems to happen all too often. I feel like I need to prepare myself for the comments that will come in a few weeks...when I've got a FOURTH boy in the shopping cart!
Slow Start
1 week ago
You go girl!
That's what I have to say!
Yeah, vent away!!!
I am amazed at what people will say.
Often times I think it just might be appropriate to reply w/ "yeah, you probably couldn't handle it" or "good thing they're filling my heart...you're missing it".
My parents got so many comments w/ having all of us, even from family(I'm the youngest of 8). It's so sad. Shame on those people!
So sorry you had a bad day.... Little boys rock - imho.. but I am biased.
:( I know what you mean. And it does seem like you get all the comments and looks when the kids are being fine. I am so not looking forward to the comments 5 will bring!!!
And it is true that the kids are listening. That is what makes it hard. Perhaps a kind "hmmm, I've never heard that before" with a smile will help. Stupid comments do deserve stupid answers.
Most importantly, you know God is blessing you for your faithfulness to Him!!!! And that should make you smile!
My sister has 3 yr-old triplets and a 1-yr-old - all girls.
Unfortunately, she gets very similar comments made to her on a regular basis, especially at the grocery store.
My favorite is, "better you than me," because actually, it is true!
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