With every season there comes the exhausting job of sifting through last years clothes and finding out how much I need to still buy for my kids! I am sure other mothers out there can relate to this task. It seems that every year I have to buy all new clothes for my oldest, and my youngest has less and less to wear because his older brothers wore everything out. The only safe bet in my house is my middle child, he always get hand-me-downs. Thankfully, he still thinks this is cool and doesn't feel like he is getting cheated!
As I sat down last night to write my list of what I need to buy, I realized that my paltry budget of $150 was not going to cut it, try $250! Add to this the sudden cold snap and I am feeling the pressure to go shopping! Normally I love shopping, but with kids clothes I get so consumed with finding the best deal, that I just freeze and come home with nothing. I don't have that luxury this time, I even told my husband that I need this Saturday to go to the mall BY MYSELF, to get the boys something to wear! My poor oldest son only has one pair of jeans that are huge (they were a hand-me-down from a cousin) and shirts that are too small. I just hope that I picked the right weekend to find some sales!!
3 days ago
I am very fortunate to have hand-me-downs for the kids. I get clothes from my sister's girls and from Amber for Delaney. She LOVES it when she gets a new box of clothes to try on. I also get clothes for my boys. I can't imagine having to buy all the clothes for my kids, they are constantly growing. I do buy them their shoes. I watch for deals and usually buy bigger sizes to keep in their closets until they fit. I don't envy a trip to the mall, I'm not a shopper. The only real shopping I do is for Christmas. Hang in there...pretty soon you'll have one more to buy for :) JOLENE
I love shopping but am definitely a bargain hunter too. I also take advantage of rummage sales in the beginning of summer. Our church holds a kids only rummage sale and I always work it, sorting and the day of the sale, the perks to it, is I get first peek at all the goodies. This year I was able to buy Ellie 5 pairs of burmudas and a bunch of tank tops, all from the Limited Too (50 cents each), so I stock up on lots of stuff, probably too much but for the price you can't pass it up. I am picky and will only buy if in great condition and cheap, I don't want them to look like I got it at a rummage sale. And for my little guy, a friend brought over her bins of clothes and for a very small amount was able to fill his closet of 24M and 2T that he will be growing into. I mean a spring Nike jacket for 2 dollars..... I know a lot of people don't like rummage sales but I am trying to save money now so when they are older and clothes are more important to them I can spend a little extra and not feel so bad. I have also been lucky to have neighbors with older girls drop off bags of clothes, some I keep and some I pass on. Maybe you can check with friends if they are ready to part with clothes they don't need anymore.
I would hate to think what I would spend on clothes if I always bought brand new. I also try to tell family for birthdays and Christmas to buy clothes, it's not like they don't have enough toys already. :)
Good luck, I hope you find some great sales and at least they will be used by 1,2,3, or 4!
I have some extra Gordman's coupons. They have great deals and an excellent clearance rack. If you want to meet up sometime this weekend, I can pass them along.
I just did the baby's clothes. I still have to do Grant's. I have only bought them both about one or two outfits a season. All the rest are hand-me downs. Grant dresses himself now and I swear he would only wear the tackiest stuff anyway. I buy clothes for my nephews (that eventually become Grants) a year in advance. I buy Old Navy and Target off season (usually only 2 dollars per item). I just picked up a bunch of tees for about 1.99 each from Target. I buy jeans in the summer. Switching out clothes is always a pain though! You never know if it will fit.. you can't go by the size.
It seems as if it isn't the clothes, it's the shoes. And if everybody is square with the shoes...then it's socks and coats! We like to buy some new clothes and then supplement with garage sale stuff and stuff donated by older cousins. It takes a lot to keep little people dressed! Good luck!
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