Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Poor Baby

Man, can I relate to this picture!  Oliver's first tooth just peeked through this morning and he doesn't like it.  I had devised the perfect plan to take away his pacifier following Mass on Sunday.  This way we would have an entire week for  him to get used to life without it.  I also picked a week in which I didn't have my bible study or mom's group meetings, where he would be in the nursery.  Unbeknownst to me, Oliver was about to get his first tooth.  By the time I realized that his fussiness was not only related to pacifier withdrawal, it was too late.  There was no way I was going to give it back after we had been through the first day and night!  So, we (mostly Henry and I) have been listening to him whining and crying for two days and I wonder when it will stop.  It is amazing how I can't remember this time with Joseph and Henry but right now it feels like it is never going to end!  WAH!

1 comment:

TinaP said...

Have you tried Hyland's teething tablets? I really like these. And when things get really crappy I go for the tylenol, oragel, teething tablet trifecta!

I hope he feels better soon!